Patrick Merle Sellin, M.A.

Over a decade of clinical mental health experience and seven years of private psychotherapy practice inform Patrick’s Integral Breathwork offerings. Patrick holds a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with special emphases Integral Psychology and Breathwave facilitation.

In his free time, Patrick enjoys composing medicinal poetry and Gaian folk music, exploring inner/outer wildernesses & participating in humanistic ceremonies such as fire circles, earth mandalas and ecstatic dance.

My Soul To Keep

Blasphemies & Gratitudes 

My Soul To Keep is a composition of psycho-spiritual poetry for soul reclamation. A familiar folk prayer offers the reader a memorable framework for ego-absolvement, mystic-mindedness and self-actualization. The cure for selfishness is to become more of oneself, not less. 

Patrick Merle Sellin, M.A., muses from a decade of vocational psychotherapy and Breathwave facilitation to articulate the subtle perceptions and vulnerabilities of the psyche. Readers are inspired to forge a deep alliance with their uniqueness and risk remembering the gift they incarnated on Earth to give.

this is not a dream we’ll dream again

and someday death will whisk us away

to wherever it is we came from.

all the stars conspired to make a home in you

and somehow sparked a fire that burns

just like you, just this once.

JUST THIS ONCE, by Patrick Merle Sellin